Gardening with Preschoolers at K2

November 12th, 2019

Our K2 Campus Preschool Gold Room had fun gardening with our brand new garden beds this past week planting fall flowers.  Pansies, mums and sweet potato vine were the plants of choice.

One of three new garden beds at K2 Campus Preschool


K2 Campus recently added 3 beautiful garden beds to our playground.  Gardening with preschool students has so many benefits and we are looking forward to experiencing them with our students.


We all know the benefits of being outside, but gardening offers amazing developmental opportunities for kids.  For one, it engages all their senses; touching and feeling the dirt, smelling the flowers and herbs, seeing all the vibrant colors and hearing the sounds of nature while outside.  Gardening also helps children develop their fine motor skills.  Digging holes for plants, carefully pruning and picking ripened vegetables are just a few examples of how gardening can help kids enhance their fine motor skills.

A few of our preschool students having fun planting.


We are also looking forward to snacking on some of the vegetables and herbs we will be planting in the upcoming spring season.  While many children struggle to try new foods, caring for their own often encourages them to try and taste what they have personally grown.


We are also thrilled to share our love of the Earth with our students.  When children garden they learn the importance of taking care of the Earth to see their flowers and vegetables grow.  It’s also a great opportunity to work in subjects of recycling, up-cycling and using natural ingredients.

Mrs. Nelly and a student deciding the perfect spot for our pink pansies.


We will be sure to share our garden’s progress with you as it grows!